Applications of Seismic Anisotropy in the Oil and Gas Industry (OTE 3)

Applications of Seismic Anisotropy in the Oil and Gas Industry (OTE 3)
Vladimir Grechka Серия Библиотека EAGE ISBN 978-90-73781-68-9 Издательство «EAGE Publications bv» 2009 г.
Обложка, 172 стр.
Формат 60*70 1/8
Вес  725 г


This book explains how geophysicists in the energy industry measure, interpret, and use seismic anisotropy. The book is designed for geophysicists who want to enhance their understanding of the subsurface and learn about modern techniques for extracting more information from seismic data.


Table of Content

List of Figures
List of Tables

1. Definitions and examples
2. Plane waves
3. Rays and traveltimes
4. Thomsen parameters
5. Normal moveout
6. Nonhyperbolic moveout
7. Anistropy estimation from VSP data
8. Fracture characterization
9. Bibliography